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I received an email a few days ago from one of the people on the list who asked me a series of challenging questions, these are listed below together with my answers:
Can you please give some answers to the following questions?
Following the article on “Passover”. The entire world celebrated Passover in the April 24, why in the you wrote that the Passover has to start on April 18 which was 6 days before the 24?Do we all time have to observe Passover 6 days before the date were everyone celebrates it?
>>> The date of Passover is determined based on the new moon, the sacrifice was to be made in the evening on the 14th day of the month, that is the 14th day after the new moon.
Exodus 12:5-7
5 Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male of the first year: ye shall take it out from the sheep, or from the goats:
6 And ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month: and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill it in the evening.
7 And they shall take of the blood, and strike it on the two side posts and on the upper door post of the houses, wherein they shall eat it. KJV
Our calendar is not linked to the moon, accordingly, in terms of the Roman calendar that we use the day of the week of Passover will vary every year associated with the new moon – Passover can be up to a month before or after Easter in some years.
The tradition of Easter that Passover is always the Friday was a consequence of the pagan Roman church harmonizing faith in Yah {the LORD} through Yahooshua {Jesus} with pagan tradition giving pagan tradition the greater say, so the feast of Ishtar, Easter was an existing pagan feast, the Roman church modified it to accommodate remembrance of Yahooshua’s sacrifice in order to make Christianity more palatable to the pagan Romans the modern church owes most of its teachings and traditions to the pagan Roman church going back to about 300 AD.
What is the connection between how the children of Yah were delivered from Egypt and the Passover?
>>> Refer Exodus 12, Passover remembers the sacrifice of the lamb made by the Israelites the night before Yah brought them out of Egypt, they slaughtered the lamb and painted the blood of the lamb on the door posts and lintels of the house so that the angel of death passed over the house when killing the first born of Egypt
They were subsequently commanded to remember this every year and this gives us the day of Passover.
Yahooshua was betrayed the night of Passover and executed the day of Passover, he had assigned to him prophetically by Yahoochanan {John} the substitutionary role of the lamb without spot or blemish referred to above and so instituted a new covenant ordinance that allowed us to take bread and wine (or grape juice) and claim the promises and protection of Yah accordingly instead of sacrificing a lamb.
Please tell me more about Yahooshua dying on the stake because the entire world knows and talks about the cross.
>>> see the extract below from Vine’s Expository Dictionary of the New Testament – Vines provides interpretation of words in the so-called "New Testament" in order that we may better understand what is written in the bible.

So we see that in the Greek text from which most modern bibles are translated the word is Stauros or STAKE and NOT cross at all. The translators have substituted the word cross for stake in order to make Christianity more palatable to pagan's.
To make it worse, the cross is a pornographic sexual symbol used in demon worship and is derived from the Ankh, which you will see quite widely worn by people, on Egyptian papyrus wall hangings and other items. Most Christians believe the Ankh is just a form of the Christian cross and see nothing wrong with it while, in practice, it carries demons assigned to it
Picture of Ankh below

The reality is that the Christian cross is a variation of the Ankh NOT the other way round
The upright represents the erect male penis
The cross bar represents the legs of a woman spread open and the loop at the top represents her open vagina made open through intercourse
It is an abomination in the sight of Yah and Yahooshua to depict Yahooshua as executed on a cross and there is strong demonic assignment associated with the cross which is one of many pagan symbols that makes Christianity one of the most pagan religions on earth today
Galatians 3:13 makes it clear that Yahooshua died on a tree or at least a length of tree trunk
Galatians 3:13 the anointed one {Christ} hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree: KJV
Notice that it says "hangeth on a TREE", NOT a cross.
What do you mean by defensive prayers?
>>> prayers that give protection such as “Father I thank you in the name of Yahooshua that your messengers {angels} encamp around me to protect me” – I sent out a selection of such prayers in the previous article many of those prayers are defensive and prayers for guidance and leading
These are VITAL prayers to pray
Can you also tell me more about the footstool where Yahooshua enemies need to be put before he can return to earth?
>>> As I understand it the footstool is simply a metaphor for saying that Yahooshua is waiting until we bring his enemies into subjection to Yah and therefore to him, that involves sending demons and fallen messengers to whatever location in the spirit realm that Yah appoints for them when you cast them out
It also requires the restoration of truth so that the full truths of Yah are once again known on earth, that is the primary function of this ministry
In a case where a men has taken a woman virginity but didn’t marry that woman but ended up marrying another virgin woman. What will happen there?
>>> In today’s world he has a problem
In the sight of Yah he is the man {husband} of both of those women, or more than two if he has taken the virginity of more than two, he is responsible before Yah for the welfare of each of them and is responsible to Yah for putting any woman that he has put away into adultery if she has gone with another man
He must approach each woman and ask her to return to him, IF he presents the case carefully and she refuses he then has a basis to ask Father Yah for permission to put her away {divorce} her but if she agrees to return he must find a way to be a man {husband} to each of his women.
In the case above the woman that he has legally married may well object and he may find himself with major problems, Yah expects him to resolve these problems no matter what it costs
If the Sabbath is the Saturday, does that mean a week starts on Sunday? Scientifically can this be proven? And what does the word of Yah tell us about the Sabbath?
>>> If you check any modern calendar you will find that Sunday is the first day of the week, it always has been – there is no record of a missing day that would cause the Sabbath to have shifted from the seventh day to the first day
Yah is quite clear that the Sabbath is the seventh day
Genesis 2:2-3
2 And on the seventh day the Almighty {God} ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
3 And the Almighty blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which the Almighty created and made. KJV names corrected
Exodus 20:8-12
8 Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
9 Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:
10 But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yah the eternally self-existing your Mighty One {the Lord thy God}: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:
11 For in six days Yah the eternally self existing made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore Yah the eternally self existing blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. KJV names corrected
>>> Sunday is the day of the Sun god and is another pagan day that the early apostate (apostate approximately means compromized with Satan / fallen away) Christian church adopted as part of cutting its ties with the Hebrew roots of the faith and harmonizing with pagan tradition around 300 AD
>>> In response to the following answers the same person replied further:
Thanks for your reply. The issue of the Sabbath is very important as I think we are breaking the commandment of observing the holy day simply because of our ignorance and I think that we need more clarity here. Perhaps you should come out with an article that talks about the Sabbath. Yah created everything in 6 days and he decided to rest on the 7th day. Did Yah started the creation on a Sunday? If this is the case, definitively we are using a wrong calendar.
Colossians 2: 14 – 15 talks about the cross. Which cross it that? I read Galatians 13 : 3 and there it’s all about the stake.
I would like to get some clarity about this point.
>>> to which I replied:
There is a lot about the Saturday Sabbath on the Internet that is why I have not written that much but I will look at putting out something when I get back, YES it is serious, a lot of people are going to burn on the Day of Judgment as a consequence
It is no coincidence that the discovery of Noah’s Ark, the Ark of the Covenant, the Red Sea Crossing site, Mount Sinai and Sodom and Gomorrah were all made by Ron Wyatt a dedicated Seventh Day Adventist who strictly observed the Saturday Sabbath
There is a book called “The Truth About the Sabbath”by Jim Pinkoski that I purchased recently off that sets out the Sabbath story very well, it is not that expensive so worth considering ordering it
Re the cross, apologies, I did not make myself clear in my note, the word translated cross throughout the new testament is the Greek word stauros meaning stake, the translators apparently deliberately mistranslated in order to avoid offending the pagan church – that is the point of the note from Vine’s that I sent you
In other words, wherever you find the word cross in English the Greek says stake!
These points all address some of the numerous errors in the modern Christian church irrespective of denomination or tradition which is why Yah has been telling those who love Him to get out of the church for many years.
May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.
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