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image2011.04.20 The spiritual forces of evil by Keith Thomas
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A discussion of the forces of darkness that are operating in the world


The spiritual forces of evil



Keith Thomas

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Following on from various articles in recent days relating to demonic and Satanic activity behind the scenes, I found myself replying to an email regarding the level of abortion in the USA and related matters.

I started to write about the principalities, powers, thrones and dominions that are operating over the earth and decided to see what I could find on the Internet.

The first article that I encountered was titled "The spiritual forces of evil – spiritual warfare session 2" from

The article contains some important insights and suggestions and I have reproduced it below.

There are things that I do not agree with but, as usual, I leave you to pray about it and sift the wheat from the chaff.

What I would draw to your attention is that the Satanic and demonic powers that are operating over the USA and other so-called "Western Countries" or "the free world" are just as great and as evil as those operating over the countries mentioned below.

Likewise the Satanic and demonic activity in the "Christian church" is just as great and as evil as that operating over the other religions mentioned below.

And the Satanic and demonic activity over the vast majority of people who call themselves Christian is ALSO just as great and as evil as that operating over other people as mentioned below.

Father, I ask that as we read what follows you will blow away by your Spirit all that is NOT according to your will and your ways, please blow away all lies and deception and leave only that which is from you, I ask this in the name of Yahoohua.

James Robertson


Spiritual Forces of Evil

Spiritual Warfare, Session Two


Keith Thomas




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When World War One broke out, the War Ministry in London, England sent a coded message to one of the British outposts in the inaccessible areas of British controlled Africa saying, “War declared, arrest all enemy aliens in your district.” The prompt reply came back, “Have arrested ten Germans, six Belgians, four Frenchmen, two Italians, three Austrians and an American. Please advise immediately who we are at war with.”

We need to know who the enemy is if we are to be successful in the fight against him. In this session we will take a closer look at Satan and the demonic forces that the church is waging war against. We will also begin to look at our authority in Christ, and how we enter into this battle and exercise the authority He has given to us.

Warm up Question: Do you see yourself as a spiritual warrior? Is it natural and easy for you to rise to conflict, or do you back away from it? Do you think this makes any difference in regard to how you are able to wage war spiritually? Give reasons for your answer.

Last week we saw that there is a real enemy and a real battle that we are engaged in whether we realize it or not. God has not left us unprepared for this battle. He has given us what we need to take our place in the battle and be victorious alongside Him. As Christians, we are called to wage war against the enemy whether we see ourselves as spiritual warriors or not. If we are to fulfill the commission given to Jesus, and which He has also given to us, then we will find ourselves face to face with the opposition. Although there are different gifts and callings in the Body of Christ, we are all drawn into this cosmic conflict and called to be victorious with Christ.

As a way of seeing how Satan influences and uses people for his own ends, let us use as an example the life of Adolph Hitler, a man greatly used by Satan. We will take a look at how his demonic strategies against the free world were frustrated and overcome.

Know your enemy

Adolf Hitler was only a man, but he was a man who was used by the enemy. Have you ever wondered how the enemy gained such access into his life in order to use him in this way?

Adolf Hitler’s early life was marked by failure. He wanted to be an artist so he applied to study at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts. Unfortunately, they thought he was not up to their standard so he was rejected. He then applied to the School of Architecture and again was refused. Becoming embittered, resentful and angry against God he turned toward the occult seeking power to change his life. He spent much of his time reading books on Satanism and the occult in the Hofberg Library in Vienna, Austria. In that library was an ancient spear, the Spear of Destiny, which many, including Hitler, believed to be the spear that was thrust into the side of Christ while He was on the cross. Hitler had overheard a tour guide telling his group, “This spear is shrouded in mystery; whoever unlocks its secrets will rule the world.” Trevor Ravenscroft records the eye witness account of Dr. Walter Stein; he said that he had stood beside Hitler as he gazed at the spear. Stein said, “Adolph Hitler stood…like a man in a trance, a man over whom some dreadful magic spell had been cast…He was swaying on his feet as though caught up in some totally inexplicable euphoria…His whole facial appearance and stance appeared transformed as if some mighty spirit now inhabited his very soul.”1 After some time in Vienna, Hitler moved to Munich where he was brought into deeper levels of the occult. In fact, the original members of the Nazis (The National Socialist Party) were hard-core Satanists. Pastor David Brown wrote an article called: Adolph Hitler’s Occult Connections.  In that article he says:

“It was the Nazis who led a willing Hitler into deeper levels of occult involvement. In fact, Dietrich Eckart, an occultist of the highest degree, and a practitioner of black magic, bragged before he died; "I have initiated him (Hitler) into the 'Secret Doctrine,' opened his centers of vision and given him the means of communication with the Powers...I shall have influenced history more than any other German."2

The demons that influenced Hitler went on to use him to murder more than six million Jewish people in Europe in his quest to wipe out completely the Jewish nation. If the British and American forces under General Montgomery in Egypt hadn’t stopped the German advance eastward across North Africa, the entire population of Jews in Palestine at that time may have been wiped out. In all, over 75 million people were killed in the Second World War.

Spiritual Warfare against Hitler

We, the church of Jesus Christ, are to exercise the authority that God has given us in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and to pray and intercede, exercising on earth the positional authority we have been given by Christ. This actually happened against Hitler and totally turned the course of the Second World War. In 1941, Britain stood all alone against Hitler. He had control of most of Europe by that time.  Hitler only had to beat Britain. God, in answer to prayer, brought a great fog over Dunkirk, France, so that the German air force could not bomb the 335,000 strong British army assembling there to be evacuated by boat to Britain. Many fishing boats, my grandfather’s included, could sail across the English Channel due to it being so uncommonly calm, and rescue the British Army from being totally destroyed on the Coast of France.  It has often been wondered why the Germans did not pursue the British to the coast, but Hitler overruled the wishes of his Generals due to being influenced by a horoscope. While he prepared an invasion fleet, Hitler started bombing Britain’s airfields and major cities where her industry was based. Britain was down to very few Spitfires and Hurricanes, her only fighter planes that were capable of knocking down Hitler’s bombers. The situation was so grave that King George VI, the King of Britain, went on national radio calling for a day of prayer for the whole nation. Such was the ominous feeling that Britain was going to be invaded and overrun.

In the book, Rees Howells Intercessor, the author, Norman Grubb,3 writes about the life of Rees Howells, a man gifted greatly in the area of prayer, describing how he had gathered together 120 of the best intercessors who were called to fight in prayer as if they, themselves, were in the trenches.  In 1940, at Britain’s lowest point, America had still not entered the war.  The most amazing thing happened as these 120 intercessors prayed and wept and called on God to save the British Isles, Adolph Hitler, Germany’s leader at the time, against all the advice of his generals, suddenly changed his mind about attacking Britain with his invasion force.  He directed all his forces against Russia in the East, breaking his pact with Josef Stalin of Russia.  Britain was saved, and America entered the war. God uses prayer. Was this just coincidence? No, as the prayer warriors interceded, God frustrated the plans of the evil one, and turned the war completely around due to the humble prayers of a nation and because of 120 trained prayer people.

Do you think God takes sides in wars between one nation and another? What motivates Him to listen to one nation’s prayers against another? Is there such a thing as a moral high ground?

It is interesting that Hitler was intent upon wiping out the nation of Israel. We have seen this in the past. This is not unlike the story in the book of Esther where one man, Haman sought to destroy the entire Hebrew race. The enemy’s intent is to steal, kill and destroy. God calls us to wage an intercessory prayer war against the demonic influences in using people for destructive ends:

3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3).

We, the church, have been given spiritual weapons with divine power to demolish strongholds of the enemy. Where are these strongholds? The enemy gains a stronghold through our minds. There are strongholds in the minds of people, such as we see in the case of Hitler, whose thoughts were influenced by demonic forces. Does that mean we should never fight with guns and bullets against evil men that rise up to destroy us? Should we just pray? No, if we had never resisted Hitler, demonic evil forces would have gained control over nations and taken away our religious freedoms, and sought to end the worship of God in every place where that evil regime took hold in this world. The church is called to intercessory prayer to overcome the spiritual forces that seek to oppose the forward movement of the church to preach the Gospel to every creature. In any battle with an enemy, one should always seek to know their enemy. Knowing the enemy’s plans and how he works will help us to avoid his schemes.

Satan and the Inhabitants of the Unseen Realm

A number of times in the Bible there is what is known as the law of double reference, a passage of scripture which is speaking about an earthly king, but also speaking about the spirit that is motivating and empowering him. It is similar to when Jesus spoke to Peter saying, “Get behind me, Satan.” The Lord was not speaking to Peter, but to the spirit that was motivating the thought that Peter had spoken when he sought to turn Jesus from His path which led to the cross. (Matthew 16:23). For instance, in Ezekiel 28 we have a prophetic word spoken to the king of Tyre which seems clearly to be speaking about another entity as well, an entity other than a worldly king:

12"Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: 'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: “‘You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. 13You were in Eden, the garden of God; every precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz and emerald, chrysolite, onyx and jasper, sapphire, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. 14You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for so I ordained you. You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. 15You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. 16Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned.  So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you, O guardian cherub, from among the fiery stones. 17Your heart became proud on account of your beauty, and you corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth; I made a spectacle of you before kings (Ezekiel 28:12-17).

Most Bible teachers believe this passage of scripture is speaking about Satan. If that is correct, what truths stand out about Satan from this passage?

  1. He is a created being (V.15)
  2. He was a model of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty (V.12)
  3. He is wicked (V.15-16)
  4. He was thrown to Earth (I take that to mean the second heaven, the unseen realm that intersects with Earth).
  5. His heart is full of pride and corrupted by his wisdom.

How would you define pride and why is it so dangerous? says about pride: “a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind or as displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.” Satan was so full of pride in his own superiority that he rebelled against God wanting to be as God. This is brought out in another passage of scripture where we again see this law of double reference used. This time the prophet is speaking to the king of Babylon. As one reads the passage it seems obvious that the prophet is speaking about Satan himself and talking about his demise when he is captured: 

9The grave below is all astir to meet you at your coming; it rouses the spirits of the departed to greet you— all those who were leaders in the world; it makes them rise from their thrones— all those who were kings over the nations. 10They will all respond, they will say to you, "You also have become weak, as we are; you have become like us." 11All your pomp has been brought down to the grave, along with the noise of your harps; maggots are spread out beneath you and worms cover you. 12How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! 13You said in your heart, "I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of the sacred mountain. 14I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High." 15But you are brought down to the grave, to the depths of the pit. 16Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble, 17the man who made the world a desert, who overthrew its cities and would not let his captives go home?" (Isaiah 14:9-17).

How many “I will’s” do you see in the above passage? What does it indicate to us about Satan’s character?

Satan’s purpose is to be as God. He wants to raise his throne above all else’s, including God’s. Isn’t it interesting that for each of the five I will’s that we read in this passage, in 14:15-20, you will see that God has five responses: Satan will be 1) thrown into the Pit, 2) gazed upon, 3) talked about, 4) cast out of his grave, and 5) be alone.

We are told in scripture that God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5). How does a person gain humility?

Satan’s Hierarchy of Evil

Inhabiting this unseen spiritual realm that intersects with Earth are at least four different categories of spiritual beings that are at war against God’s creation and kingdom:

10Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.12For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:10-12).

Paul the Apostle is careful that the church is aware of who the fight is against. The word translated struggle (V.12) is the Greek word palē which literally means to wrestle. He is saying that people are never our enemy. It is not flesh and blood that we fight our battle against, it is spiritual forces in the heavenly realms.

Who are you currently struggling against? Is it a person at work, a spouse, a child, a relative or friend? What will you do differently as a result of meditating on this verse?

The picture one gets with Paul’s use of the word wrestling or struggling is of two men using all their energies to overcome one another. But this is not a fight against people, flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces that occupy the heavenly realms and from their vantage point influence people such as Adolph Hitler. John the Apostle wrote that “the whole world is under the control of the evil one” (1 John 5:19).

What do you think John means when he says that the whole world is under the control of the evil one?

I take it to mean that Satan has so structured his evil forces so that countries, regions, towns, villages and yes, even people, have some level of enemy personality at work to control what goes on under each enemy sphere of influence. In referencing the whole world being under the control of Satan, John the Apostle is talking about the world system that is against God. Those of us that are walking with Christ are out from his authority and control (Colossians 1:13). The only way he can influence us is in the area of our minds. We will look at this at a later session. Let’s take a closer look at the Greek words used by Paul to describe these four categories of evil to the church in Ephesians 6:12:

1) The Rulers. The Greek word is Archē. This word means principalities or chief rulers. It speaks of beings of the highest ranking in Satan’s kingdom. The word also implies beginning. It speaks of a position so high that these spiritual rulers confer with Satan himself and rule over nations to bring about the goals of these enemies of God. We can compare them to Hitler’s top men that formed the Nazi Party during the Second World War, men that sat down with Hitler and brought about his strategies to dominate most of Europe, seeking to destroy the Jewish people in the process. In the book of Daniel there is an example of an evil prince that ruled over the whole territory of Persia. I believe that every nation has an evil prince such as the one mentioned ruling over each nation. The context of the passage is of an angel sent to Daniel to help him understand a revelation that he has been given for the nation of Israel. An evil spiritual Ruler has delayed the angel in getting the message to Daniel.  

12Then he continued, "Do not be afraid, Daniel. Since the first day that you set your mind to gain understanding and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to them. 13But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia (Daniel 10:12-13).

We are told that the evil prince’s dominion is over the geographical area of Persia, now present day Iran.  That spirit is still there in Iran, seeking to do what it can to destroy the American and Jewish people with nuclear weapons which it is currently developing with missile technology from North Korea. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the president of Iran, seems to be a modern day Hitler, held under the sway of the Persian Prince seeking to bring about Satan’s purposes to try to destroy the USA and Israel, the main nations that stand against world domination by Islam. This high ranking evil spirit is motivating Ahmadinejad to lead the world into another holocaust. It was only after the angel Michael intervened that the angel got through to Daniel with the message that he was waiting for. Since the cross and the giving of the Spirit to the church, we now have been given authority to resist and oppose evil spiritual forces.

2) The Authorities. The Greek word is Exousia. This word means authority. It is delegated authority from higher up the chain of command. It speaks of a spirit who is given permission, capability, right and authority to carry out an action. Using the analogy of Hitler’s men, this would be like his generals on the field of action, men who were given commands from above and exercised that authority on the battlefield.

3) The Powers of this Dark World. There are three principal Greek words here that describe these spirit beings. The first word is composed of two Greek words put together. The word is Kosmokratōr.  The first word of the two is kosmos, translated with the English word “world.” The other word is krateō, translated into our English word “to hold.” The picture is of evil spirits that hold the physical world under the grip of darkness by an assault on the mind. My personal belief is that these spirits hold sway over belief systems that tie men’s minds to religious works. These spirits don’t so much hold sway over territory; their influence is mostly felt in thought systems that bind people’s minds from finding out the truth of God and thereby be set free of demonic influence.

How do you think these spirits manifest themselves on planet Earth? What examples can you think of?

These spirits foster belief systems such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Communism, Secular Humanism, to name just a few. The spiritual evil powers also use men and women that are in the educational fields, men such as Charles Darwin with the Theory of Evolution. This includes religious spirits that bind people to try to earn salvation in the Christian religion instead of receiving the free gift of life from Christ. Religious spirits are very deceptive. Paul writes about the influence of these particular spirits, the dark world powers, when he wrote his second letter to the church at Corinth: The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God (2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan himself is the one accused of blinding people’s minds but I tend to believe that he is the one directing the powers of this dark world that influence people’s minds.  

4) The Spiritual Forces of Evil in the Heavenly Realms. These can be compared to your basic foot soldiers. These spiritual forces are demons of varying lower ranks that oppose and obstruct men and women from searching and finding the truth in this world. These demons have targeted not only non-Christians but also hinder spiritual growth in God’s people when they find the truth and commit their lives to Christ. Every man or woman of God, I believe, has a demonic spirit that is continually looking for ways to weaken and destroy the testimony of the believer. Their principal weapon is to sow destructive thoughts in the seed bed of your mind, thoughts that will germinate and grow and become attitudes and habits that will enslave people and render them fruitless. The higher the level of influence you have in the Kingdom of God the higher the rank and cleverness of the evil spirit assigned to you. These attacks may be more than thoughts; if we buy into the thoughts and mull over them, they may become feelings such as depression, discouragement, frustration, bitterness and resentment among many other things. You may find that the enemy’s strategies of attack against you may change as you grow older and more mature in Christ. I found that in my early days as a Christian, the enemy would plant a thought such as, “you don’t really believe in God, do you?” As I got older that thought would no longer come to me. The enemy knew he was wasting his time with that thought because I had come to a solid, logical, Bible centered belief that there must be a God ruling and reigning over the Earth. I had thoroughly searched and weighed the evidence and come to solid conclusions to base my faith on.

How have you felt that the enemy’s attacks on you have changed over the past weeks, months or years?

You may not be aware of being in a battle, but let me assure you, if you are a disciple of Christ endeavoring to do God’s will on planet Earth, you are in a battle whether you like it or not (2 Timothy 3:12). There are some expositors that believe that Revelation 12:4 indicates that Satan has won over to his side a third of the stars of heaven. They believe the stars are angelic beings that are now called demons. I don’t know if that is the proper interpretation of that passage but I do believe that there are a multitude of demons that inhabit the unseen region. They are structured in such a way to do the maximum damage to the Kingdom of God that they can. We need not fear these demons and evil spirits sent against us because Christ has triumphed over them by the cross.

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross (Colossians 2:15).

The word of God is very plain about the power that we have to defeat them. We are told that “the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). Who is in us? Christ Jesus has taken up residence in our hearts when we receive the gift of eternal life. The Spirit of God is in us and wants to use us for God’s glory. At a later session we will look at the authority and power Christ has given us to frustrate the plans of the evil one.  “I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you” (Luke 10:19). Peter assures us in his first letter that Christ has conquered all the power of the enemy and sat down alongside the Father in the throne room and enemy powers have been put under His feet.

Who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him (1 Peter 3:22 emphasis mine).

At the beginning we talked about the spirit or spirits that managed to find an entrance into the life of Adolph Hitler. We have learned that this world is under the sway of demonic forces under the control of Satan and that they influence what happens in the world by controlling flesh and blood individuals. What is the church to do against such forces? In some way that I cannot fully explain, you and I that are Christians are seated in the heavenly realms with Christ, even though at the same time we are walking on this Earth. Christ is seen as seated on the throne far above every authority, power and dominion and because of our relationship to Christ, He has also seated us with Him, exercising His authority in the world through prayer. Paul explains this place of authority in these words:

18I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints, 19and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is like the working of his mighty strength, 20which he exerted in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, 21far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given, not only in the present age but also in the one to come. 22And God placed all things under his feet and appointed him to be head over everything for the church, 23which is his body, the fullness of him who fills everything in every way (Ephesians 1:18-23).

6And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 2:6-7).

How do we become effective in our fight against the evil one? How do we become a formidable force in the kingdom of God? We have established that every one of us is in the midst of a spiritual battle whether we want to be aware of this or not. Also, we know that we are given the authority in Christ and the powerful weapon of prayer in the Name of Jesus Christ. There are some basic 101 principles we need to be aware of to be effective.

  1. Know who you are in Christ. Are you convinced of the authority of Christ? Don’t try and wage warfare in your own strength. Rely on His strength and take direction from the Holy Spirit.

  1. Agree with the Word of God. In this world, you will find that it is becoming more and more unpopular to agree with the Word of God. The Word of God is consistent and it does not change. The truth in God’s Word should shape our thinking and our decisions. Learn the truth in God’s Word, and in applying that truth, you will find yourself on the right side of spiritual conflict, regardless of what others think of you. God’s Word, scripture tells us, is powerful and sharper than a two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). We will talk more about this later.

  1. Agree with the Holy Spirit quickly. Every time you decide to use self control instead of giving into your temper, every time you choose to forgive instead of harboring bitterness, and every time you decide to consider other’s needs before your own and make unselfish decisions, you are training yourself for battle and becoming a formidable warrior. You cannot fight the enemy while at the same time giving him ground in your own life. If however, you are aware of the battle in your mind and in your own life and are submitting to the Lordship of Christ, you will grow in your ability to exercise Christ’s authority and be effective in seeing the Kingdom of God made manifest in our world, overcoming the enemy.

  1. See the possibilities. What areas of your life do you see the enemy infiltrating? Do you need to be more active in this spiritual battle for members of your family or friends? The enemy would seek to blind us to possibilities or make us think that we have to accept the way things are, but if we look at things from God’s perspective, and in agreement with His Word, we can start to do battle in these situations! Ask God to help you see the possibilities and exercise your faith in Him and in His Word to see change in your own life, your family, and beyond.  

Prayer: Thank you, Father, for the work of Christ on the cross in delivering me from Satan’s dominion. Grant to me a growing sense of the power and authority that I have been given to overcome and resist the enemy’s attacks on the lives of my family, my friends and myself. Amen.

Keith Thomas. Email:


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The battle is great but it is being fought in the spiritual realm and what we see in the physical realm is simply the manifestation of what is taking place in the spiritual realm.

We must each pray appropriately, renew our minds with the Spirit of Yah, fast regularly and draw close to Yah for that is where our salvation lies.

May Yah bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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1 The Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft, G.P.Putnam’s Sons, New York.


3 Rees Howells Intercessor, Norman Grubb, CLC Publications, Pages 285-292.

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Dr James Robertson, emissary and spokesman of Yah, founder of End Time Issue Ministries

Dr James A Robertson is called as an emissary {Apostle} and spokesman {prophet} of Yah, the Almighty Creator and has been set-apart for a number of years writing and publishing what he believes that the Almighty has said to him.

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The Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, says: "It is time to choose -- will you be my friend, or my foe? -- there is NO middle ground!"

Yah says further:

"Ultimately THE AIM of this entire experiment is to find those who will make the sacrifices necessary to become My FRIENDS -- NOTHING is more important"
"A friend is one who is concerned about the well-being of the one they call friend and desires to treat that person as they would be treated -- HOW do you choose to treat Me?"
"True friendship is about what you can GIVE -- NOT what you can GET! -- what are YOU prepared to give Me (Yah)?"
"A true friend seeks to know ALL truth about the one whom they call friend AND to help others to know that truth -- Do YOU know the truth about me? Do YOU care?"
"In this age I (Yah) am MASSIVELY CONSTRAINED by the 'Rules of Engagement' in terms of what I can say and do EXCEPT through those true friends and true servants who will do the necessary work to KNOW my will AND proclaim it AND action it"
"There is NO greater love than that a man should lay down his life for his friend! -- Will YOU lay down your life for Me?"
"Technically a martyr is one who lays down their life for Me, NOT necessarily in physical death but also by sacrificing their comfort and well being in favour of doing MY will -- will you do ALL that it takes to serve Me and love Me as your friend, NO MATTER what it costs you? -- Will you be a martyr for Me by your way of living?"
"My true friends take time to spend quality time with Me daily and communicate with Me and consult Me constantly"
"Why Believe?
"Because if you do NOT you WILL find that when you die you are forced to serve and worship Satan for ever or at least until the day the winner of the 'The Contest' is adjudicated
"Realize that serving Satan after you die could be a really HORRIBLE experience, particularly IF you regard yourself as a GOOD person!"
"Imagine what it will be like as an ancestor spirit (demon) knowing the truth about the lies you believed and watching your loved ones making the same mistakes and believing the same lies that you believed and being unable to do anything about it!"
"Imagine what it will be like when you discover that you are irrevocably locked into the same dispensation that is behind the most barbaric and savage cultures on earth"
"IF you are a 'GOOD' person: when you die you may find yourself secretly hoping that Satan WILL lose 'The Contest' so that you can be cast into the Lake of Fire and utterly consumed in a moment of torment and terror, rather than being a participant in the progressive degradation of the human race into utter depravity, barbarism and perversion! -- and yet you will be POWERLESS to do anything about it!"
"The consequences of dying without a PROFOUND realization of my (Yah's) existence AND a DEEP life changing decision to serve Me is too ghastly to contemplate IF you take the trouble to REALLY understand the truth about the world you live in!"
"Imagine what it will be like to be a demon (ancestor spirit) riding on your favourite grandchild and watching them participate in the same empty rituals and mouthing the same meaningless platitudes that you practised during your life and being UNABLE to warn them of the terrible destiny that they are locking themselves into!"
"A person who reaches the end of their life as my TRUE FRIEND, one who has progressed from 'Wise Steward', to 'Good and Faithful Servant', to 'Overcomer' and ultimately to 'Friend' will receive rewards and authority of unimaginable splendour including a high throne, status and apparel that is far beyond anything that even the most powerful rulers on earth have ever dreamed of, let alone experienced -- contrast this with the other extreme -- an angry and depraved ancestor spirit (demon) desperately seeking favour in a kingdom where favour is a lesser level of torment and the right to exercise greater control and depravity over those less inclined to serve Satan and his Masterminds  wholeheartedly"
"Do YOU REALLY want to be part of a kingdom where the tortured murder of infants is regarded as one of the highest privileges of rank?"
"The evidence is ALL around you IF you have eyes to see -- the choice is CLEAR -- a Kingdom of beauty, love (chesed) and benign power or a kingdom of atrocities and perversion, a kingdom that regards torture and tormented and protracted death of human sacrifices followed by cannibalism, preferably while the victim still lives, as the HIGHEST form of worship?"
"It is TIME for those who still have some smattering of knowledge of me and my ways to STOP playing games with Satan and start taking back this earth while there is STILL TIME -- it is time for believers to STOP marrying unbelievers and allowing their children to marry unbelievers,, it is TIME to STOP marrying those from Satan worshipping cultures, and to STOP welcoming them into your homes, your cities and your lands -- it is time to STOP acceding to Satanic demands that you cast ME (The Almighty) out of your schools, your halls of Government and your workplaces -- it is TIME to publicly open the day with worship and prayer to me, whether in your places of education, your places of Government or your places of work -- it is TIME to cast out those who will NOT comply instead of being cast out and secretively serving me behind locked doors and, IF you CANNOT set apart that place of learning, or government or work then EXIT PUBLICLY and DECLARE your reasons and gather together with those who WILL agree with you in these matters for it is so that in the spirit one TRUE believer FREE OF SIN can put 1,000 to flight and two can put 10,000 to flight and the power of TRUE BELIEVERS who choose to deal with ALL their sin and live in ALL truth is such that massive transformation IS possible -- note the impact of Noah, Abraham, Moshe {Moses}, Yahooshua {Jesus}, Mohammed and Luther -- YOU TOO can bring about RADICAL reformation and renaissance IF you will lay down your life and seek DEEP and ENDURING FRIENDSHIP with Me!"
"IF you believe, it is TIME to assess exactly WHAT you believe about me and then ACT accordingly!"
"IF you do NOT believe, it is time to assess EXACTLY what you DO believe and then act accordingly!"
"There is NO place for fence sitters -- YOU are either FOR me or by default you are AGAINST ME!"
"Know this -- IF you choose to be a TRUE friend, which means you deal with ALL sin and ALL error and do ALL that is required to ensure that your house is FULLY united behind you the forces of darkness CANNOT TOUCH YOU -- BUT, IF you play games and continue to dabble in your favourite sins and errors in your divided house the forces of darkness will TEAR you limb from limb and UTTERLY destroy you -- there has NEVER been a time in all the history of man on earth where life above sin and total unity of your house has been more important!"
"IF you choose to serve ME (Yah), understand that you are choosing a VERY strait and VERY narrow path leading to a VERY small door -- gird your loins and FOLLOW the example of the mighty set-apart ones of previous generations!"

Footnote: ALL the above references to "friend" relate to people like you and me seeking to become true friends of Yah, the Almighty Creator

Random Selection of Articles Published on the End Time Issue Ministries Mailing List Since the Day of Atonement 2009

2013.10.13 Halloween All Demons Day -- Poem by Mahdokt Walter

In response to a request for information regarding Halloween, Mahdokt Walter a former witch delivered by Yah, sent me the poem below

It gives some small indication of the evil of this day and why you should NOT participate in any manner

2012.11.17 Do NOT speak of evil

This article was written last week but not published.

We are commanded to NOT speak of what the wicked do in secret

2012.02.01 The WHOLE Armour of Yah

This article discusses the different aspects of the armour of Yah and how to apply it

0040 About James Robertson

This article provides more information relating to James Robertson

2012.12.01 South Africa - President Zuma Declares War on Europeans

In response to the video of Mr Jacob Zuma, the President of South Africa, singing "the Cabinet will shoot the boer with machine guns" at the Centenary Celebration of the African National Congress on 8 January 2012  discussed in two messages last week, Yah has given me an extremely challenging and difficult message calling the people to repentance and to seek His face for deliverance

I have agonised over writing this article but eventually concluded it had to be written

It is likely to offend no matter what your religious or political viewpoint so I ask you to consider it prayerfully

Once you have read it, if you recognize the core message to be from Yah, please consider forwarding it to other believers who will potentially take it and act on it

2012.11.18 Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal

In response to the article on Satan's lies a few months ago I received an in-depth rebuttal of several points

This article presents the rebuttal verbatim together with the subsequent exchange of emails so that you can form your own opinion on the topics addressed

Note that the domain name of the person writing is "truth is life" which is a very dangerous name since it can delude the person using the domain name into thinking that they have all truth.

2011.08.02 Covenant – NOT New Testament

What exactly DID Yahooshua {Jesus} introduce?

2011.09.02 Ten Commandments in Hebrew on Large Rock in the central USA The Los Lunas Stone

Evidence of Hebrews in the USA thousands of years ago -- The Ten Commandments engraved on a rock in the USA at Los Lunas

2013.12.07 The Origin of Christmas: The Occult Connection

The second article on Christmas, dealing with some heavier issues

2011.06.01 Is it possible to live a life without sin?

I was asked whether it was possible to live a life without sin

Business Interests -- James A Robertson and Associates -- The ERP Doctor

In addition to this ministry I operate a management consulting business specializing in the strategic application of computer based business information systems - a business in which Father has taught me many leading edge concepts, principles and methods


My logo is based on Professor Malcolm McDonald's strategy -- tactics matrix -- strategy, doing the right things horizontally and tactics, doing things right on the vertical axis -- if your organization does the right things well, it will thrive -- top right quadrant -- this is a fundamental principles when it comes to the matters of the Almighty as well

In my consulting work I seek to enable my clients to do the right things well

I regard Father as my partner, Chairman, counselor and I seek to conduct business in a way that is pleasing to Him, within the context of prayer that He will judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve Him more perfectly


I truly believe that Father has given me extremely high value knowledge and experience which will enable your organization, be it commercial, governmental or non-governmental to be more effective and efficient in its operations and, IF profit is your measuring stick, more profitable



I am based in London, United Kingdom and can be contacted for business purposes on

WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

IF YOU do NOT believe that the Almighty Creator exists and therefore do NOT have a personal relationship with Him you face a terrible fate when you COULD be blessed for eternity

The Creator has said regarding YOU "why would I want someone to spend eternity with me when they do NOT believe I exist?

Please go immediately to the WHY Believe page and give careful consideration to what is presented there

IF you have a DEEP inner conviction of the reality of the Creator, in other words you claim to be a "believer", but you do NOT have a deep personal relationship with Him such that He speaks to you clearly and regularly and you seek His guidance in every area of your life then He has said of you “why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?”

Please go immediately to the Relationship with Yah page


Important prayers for ALL, for those who have not previously believed and for those who have believed but are now convicted of sin and error

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator exists then take note that He has said of YOU why would I want someone to be close to me in Heaven, which inherently means I will give them great authority, if they do NOT have a deep personal relationship with me and have NOT proven to me that they can be trusted?

IF you believe that the Almighty Creator DOES exist the following are amongst the most important prayers you can pray

Note that the true name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing" NOT "The LORD" or "God"

Father Yah, I ask you to help me to overcome to the end that I may be found to  be a "good and faithful servant" on the Day of Judgment

Father Yah I ask you to show me the level of my present deception and how to correct it

Father Yah I ask you to help me to draw MUCH closer to you and to know your will and to do it

Father Yah I ask you to fill me with your Spirit and lead me into ALL truth by your Spirit

Father Yah I give you my life to do with as YOU see fit

Father Yah I ask you to bring the people that YOU want into my life and to take the people that you do NOT want in my life out

Father Yah I ask you to open the doors in my life that YOU want open and to close the doors in my life that YOU want closed

Father Yah I ask you to judge me severely and correct me harshly that I may serve you more perfectly

There are many other prayers that you can pray but these are amongst the most important

See also the page on developing a close relationship with the Almighty at



About names, words, etc

The majority of visitors to this site will encounter names and words they are NOT familiar with

It is a harsh reality that the true Name of the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth whose true Name is "Yah the eternally self-existing" has been concealed as have all the important names, laws, commandments, principles and concepts

What is taught by the "Christian" church is almost entirely incorrect as is the case with EVERY religion

This website seeks to present these truths for your prayerful consideration and adoption -- see the prayers elsewhere in this side bar for more information on what to pray

Key names and words that are used throughout this site and which are fundamentally important are:

The true Name of the Almighty Creator is "Yah the eternally self-existing", frequently translated as "Yahweh", more accurately "Yahooeh"

The name of the man commonly known as "Jesus" is "Yahooshua" meaning "Yah is salvation"

The commonly used names of "God", "The LORD", "Christ", "Jesus" are ALL of pagan, that is Satanic origin and the Almighty has only responded to these names as an act of Grace, this Grace has now been withdrawn


Third Party Articles and Articles you do NOT agree with

Most articles on this site are classified with a reference number comprising the year, the month and a sequence number within the month, thus 2013.12.03 is the third article published in December 2013

Most detailed webpages are organized with the most recent articles at the top and the Article List displays with the most recent articles at the top.  Searches on the articles list in the same way

Because I am constantly learning, newer articles will almost certainly be an elaboration or refinement of earlier articles and in some cases may significantly revise what I said in earlier articles, in most cases the later article is likely to be more accurate than earlier articles

In ALL cases Father Yah forbids me to go back and edit or correct articles, He wants YOU to have a close personal relationship with Him and therefore to turn to Him for clarification where things that I write contradict or appear to contradict one another

The articles from 2009 onwards are generally much more reliable than those earlier but there are important articles from the earlier days as well, in particular, the articles written in 2000 onwards were written during a period when my understanding was being radically changed on a very intense basis and when I was also getting closer to the Almighty at a very rapid rate

Accordingly the early articles should be given appropriate prayer, particularly if the later articles contradict or appear to contradict what is written in the early articles

That said Father Yah has said that there is much of value in the earlier articles and that they should, accordingly, remain on the site

Third Party Articles

This site includes some articles from third parties

In such cases Father Yah forbids me to censor, edit or correct such articles but requires me to present them in their entirety with little or no comment, as with the previous point He requires YOU to research and pray and reach your own conclusion regarding what is truth

Inclusion of third party articles does NOT indicate any form of endorsement of the person who wrote the article other than that it is my understanding that the article contains information of importance.  Such inclusion also does NOT imply any endorsement of this ministry by the person whose work is cited

It is up to each one of us to discern the truth for ourselves See the article on Seek Truth NOT Error for more information

Content you do NOT agree with

It is probable that you will find material on this site that you do NOT agree with, there is much that is highly controversial, click HERE for an article that proposes a way of responding to such differences

See also article -- Getting close to Yah -- Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL -- the answer to doctrinal differences


Articles on this site


The Creator Desires a Deep Relationship with YOU

Seven Components in Growing Close to Yah

Recommended Worship

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

WHY Believe in the Almighty Creator and seek relationship with Him

What Actually Happens when someome comes to believe

The First Eight Days after first believing in the Creator

Triple Immersion as a powerful means of cleansing

Fasting as a vital component of being a believer

Worship is essential in drawing close to the Almighty

What to Read once you have come to belief

The First Year after coming to belief

Those who come to limited belief initially

Those who come to limited belief initially

The TRUE Name of the Creator is Yah the Eternally Self-Existing

The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Detailed Analysis -- Abstract

Objective, Technical Notes And Technical Caveat

Words Translated "God"

Names Including Yah

Further Words Which Refer To Yah

Names Including Yah

Additional Words Which Relate To Yah

Instances Of Jehovah And Jah = Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible

Instances Of Yah In The Hebrew Lexicon Of The Online Bible

Closure Regarding The Name Of Yah

This website is the culmination of applying Engineering Principles to the matters of the Almighty Creator since 1993

Yah, the Creator, desires to have deep personal relationships with people who become His friends

Creator Desires Deep Relationship

7 Components of Growing Close to Yah

Recommended Worship

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?


About James Robertson -- An engineering approach to religion and knowledge of the Most High Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, Yah the eternally self-existing

Headlines of the walk of James Robertson with the Almighty Creator (Yah the Eternally Self-Existing)

About End Time Issue Ministries

James Robertson's Business interests -- James A Robertson and Associates Limited -- Executive Level Consulting with Regard to the Effective High Value Application of Business Information Systems

What to do if you disagree with me

Our Logo

Building a close relationship with Yah the Eternally Self Existing, the Almighty Creator

Key Principles with regard to relationship with Yah

Why are we here?

Stages in the Relationship with the Almighty Creator

The Anointing of the Spirit of the Almighty

Worship of the Almighty

Prayer and petition to the Almighty

Prayer in agreement

Fasting as a vital component of drawing close to the Almighty

Hearing Yah

Judge me Severely and correct me harshly

Yah's Emotions -- He has feelings too

Daddy Yah is LONELY please talk to Him and use His true Name

Did YOU bring JOY to your Daddy Today?

Seeking to live a Life WITHOUT Sin

Overcoming and a High Throne

The Continuum between Yah and Satan

Drawing Closer to Yah

Drawing Close to Yah

Chesed = Covenant Love

Yah's Still Small Voice

Visions and Dreams

What IS Inspiration?

If Yah is moving Hold your Peace

The Authority of Believers

Obedience is a vital element of relationship

If you love Yah keep His commandments

You are NOT a glove puppet you ARE accountable

Sacrifice -- The Death of the Stake

Death with Yahooshua

Further Principles relating to Relationship with Yah

Who to Listen To

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Yah is everywhere

Relationship with Yah NOT worship of intellect

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Specific Messages from the Almighty

Yah speaks to James

Yah speaks to the Church

Yah speaks to Believers Generally

Yah speaks to South Africa

Yah speaks to the World

Yah calls His Servants NOT Man

Yah works through His anointed ones

What IS Inspiration?

The Seventy Facets of Yah's Jewelled Words

A Guide to Receiving Personal Prophecy

Seek Truth

Seek Truth NOT Error

Yah's Commandments are BEST

Important Truths

Satan's Most Effective Lies

Pastors and the Church

The Contest

Rules of Engagement

Yah HAS to work through sons of Adam

Satan HAS to work through sons of Adam

The Forces of Darkness Rule on Earth and Yah is Constrained to act through believers

The REAL battle is between the highly anointed versus the highly illuminated ones

Descent into ALL Error

Yahooshua led a Life without Sin

Satan to the Pit

Recovering Lost Truth

A Son of Adam on the Last Day

IF Satan Wins the Contest

IF Satan Loses

Who ARE "Demons"

The Masterminds

Illuminated versus Anointed

Satan's Devices

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

Yah could do MUCH more in earlier years

All authority and dominion on earth has been given to humans, Yah and Satan are constrained to act through them


What IS Hell?

Why IS Hell?

Visits to Hell

Korean Artist

Bill Weise

Angelica Zambrano

Choo Thomas

No one is intentionally going to hell

There are good decent people in hell

Satan rules the world through the leadership of Demonic Masterminds and human Satan Servants

Satan to Pit 2003


Recommended Worship


Important Prayers

The Most Important Prayers


What IS Covenant?

The Blood of a Covenant Means Death to the Person who breaks the Covenant

Covenant between Man and Woman

Tattoos and Piercings


The Importance of Words

Words that Kill

Words that Bring Life

Right Confession

Words with Pagan / Satanic Impact

Words are Spiritual


Take Care is a Curse




The Bible

What to Read Instead

Old Testament versus New Testament

"The WORD" is Semantic Nonsense

The bible is the most pervasive idol

Diverse Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible

The Essence of the issues relating to the Bible

Positive aspects of “The Bible”

Summing up re “The Bible”

About the Bible

The Arrogance of Christian Ignorance

Relationship with the Almighty NOT Worship of Intellect

Getting close to Yah Appropriate prayer and fasting are VITAL (the answer to doctrinal differences)

IF the Bible IS corrupt then WHAT do I do?

Satan’s Lies – Response to Rebuttal

“The bible is a corrupt book compiled by corrupt men”

The Majority is ALWAYS Wrong

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 2

Bible study versus deep relationship

Demonically inspired bible versions -- rebuttal

Demonically inspired bible versions

Believers who abdicate their intellect

Your Heavenly Account

The contents of the bible are but a pin prick in the history of mankind

Clarification re THE WORD

New Testament? No No No

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 3

Yah is at SOME measure in EVERY book (and so is Satan through his demons)

Clarification -- there IS good in the bible

The King James Version of the bible is NOT THE definitive English translation

Yah works through His anointed prophets NOT committees

The origin of the Christian bible

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

What IS inspiration?

The seventy facets of Yah's jeweled words

Further Articles relevant to the discussion about the Bible -- Section 4

The bible IS a useful reference work – period

Covenant – NOT New Testament

James: What do YOU believe about the bible? REALLY?

Pastors – the Prison Warders of Yah's people

Why Yah could do much greater works thousands of years ago (level of anointing and level of prayer)

Proof of a Global Flood -- Turning history on its head

Where will YOU spend eternity?

Are visions precise and free of error?

Understanding Satan's devices

Clergy versus laity

The Name of Yah in the book {bible}

The TRUE Names of the Almighty in the Bible -- Summary

What is the origin and the purpose of man? -- creation versus evolution

Older Articles -- Prior to 2009

Conclusion -- The Bible is NOT what is claimed for it

Yah (The Almighty) says that the bible is "the Greatest Idol" on earth today

Anointed Life

Anointed Life Part 1

What or Who IS an Anointed One?

Worship is Critical

Filled with the Spirit of Yah

Led by the Spirit of Yah

Guardian Messengers {Angels}


Death with Yahooshua

The Mind of Yah



Supply of Needs

Poverty in the Body of Believers

Anointed Life Part 2

Power Anointing

In the World NOT OF the World

Yah is everywhere

The Race

The Armour

Trust and Belief


Your Heavenly Account


Anointed Life Part 3

Good and Faithful Servant


Angelo beggar on a high throne

Authority of Believer

Works that Yahooshua did



Immersion NOT Baptism

Tearing Down Strongholds

The Battle

Spiritual Warfare

The 144,000

Single Anointed Women

Anointed Life Part 4









Let your Yes be Yes


Judge me Severely and correct me Harshly that I may serve You more perfectly

Seek Truth NOT Error

Anointed Life Part 5

Man and Woman in Harmony


Right Confession

Four phases of the Wilderness

Critical Success Factors for Life

Highly Anointed Ones Make Mistakes and Sin

Even the highly anointed are falling away



Body Mind and Spirit


Believe in Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, the Almighty

Chesed {love} the Almighty with all your heart, mind, soul and strength

Yah is ONE

Who IS Yah?

Who IS Yahooshua?

Who IS Satan?

Demonic "gods"

No Trinity

NO Idols

Not Worship the Bible

Not Worship Jesus

Not Worship Cross

Not Worship People

Not Worship Things

Name Yah NOT in Vain


Yes in Afrikaans and German

True Names

Keep Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot -- Tabernacles Great Day

False Sabbaths

Levites BREAK the Sabbath

Chesed {love} your Neighbor as yourself

Honor Parents


Curse Mother or Father and Die

NOT Old Age Homes

NO Murder

NO Abortion

NO Abortive Contraception

Death Penalty for Murder

WHY Death Penalty?

NO False Teachings

Anal intercourse is valid birth control

NO Adultery

What IS Adultery?

Breaking Covenant / Treachery


Male with Male

Female with Female


Serial Polygamy



Chick Flicks are Pornography TOO


Phone / Skype Sex

Oral and Anal Sex

Church Marriage

False Monogamy

NO Stealing

Most Prosperity Teaching is Fraud

Fraudulent Contracts

Misrepresentation in Sales

Outright Theft


NO False Witness or Lying

False Teaching by Church

False Teaching in Other Religions

Misrepresentation in Sales

White Lies

ALL Liars will burn

Believe Lies and Die

NO Coveting or Lusting



Most Adverts

Valentines Heart

Lust is visible in the spirit realm

The MARK of the Beast

All of the 10 Commandments as well as the Principal Commandment have been almost universally broken and made of NO effect

The Satanic

The Satanic Part 1

Who is Satan

Fallen Messenger

Principalities, Powers, Thrones, Dominions, etc

We wrestle NOT against flesh and blood

Combat in the Heavenly Realm

The Forces of Darkness Reign and Yah is constrained to act through believers

Illuminated Ones



Ancestor Spirits {Demons}


If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

The Satanic Part 2


Take Care is a Curse

Secret Societies

Free Masonry

The Authority of the Believer


Satan's Most Effective Lies

Lilith Adam's first wife

The Satanic Part 3

Treachery is a Spiritual Force

The Peace of Satan

Fear is Faith in the Satanic

Tsunami of Evil Covers the Planet

Satans Devices

What is REALLY happening

Satan sentenced to one thousand years in the Pit on 3 May 2003

Power from drinking blood

Power from eating human flesh

Power from murder

Satanic Dominion

General Satanic

True Names




Mighty One


My Darling Mighty One


Anointing of Yah


Other True Names

The TRUE name of the prophet from Nazareth is "Yahooshua" NOT "Jesus"

Blasphemous Names

Grace withdrawn






Other Incorrect Names



NOT Christ

True Sabbaths

Day Begins at Sunrise

True Sabbath Saturday Sunrise

New Moons

1st Aviv

Pesach -- Passover

Shavuot -- Pentecost

Yom Teruah -- Day of Trumpets

Yom Kippur -- Day of Atonement

Sukkot -- Tabernacles 1st Day

Sukkot Great Day

Year of Jubilee

Saturday is the 7th day of the week and is Yah's true weekly Sabbath

Satanic Feasts



On what day was Yahooshua born?


New Year

Valentine's Day

Other Satanic Feasts

Sunday Sabbath

Sunday is the Pagan day of the Sun god and is NOT appropriate for worshipping Yah, the Almighty Creator

Christmas is a Pagan Feast and is an abomination in the sight of the Almighty Creator

Yahooshua died on a Stake NOT a Cross

It is NOT Baptism it is Immersion

The Coninuum between Good and Evil


True Religion

The Great Falling Away

Even the highly anointed are falling away

Seek Truth NOT Error

The End of the Age



Most Christians are NOT Anointed Ones

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

If Jesus is living in your heart you have a problem

Clergy versus Laity

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Planet X Nibiru


Believers who Beg

History Revisited

This Evil Generation

Christian Denominations

Roman Catholic


Jehovah's Witnesses




Who IS Allah

Other Religions

The Inquisitions have had a major impact on believers today

The upsurge of civilization following the Reformation, that is the Renaissance, masks the long term degradation of human beings over time

The turnaround prophets of history are Noah, Moshe, Yahooshua, Mohammed and Luther -- we need to understand their role to understand the world today

The True Religion of the Almighty Creator, Yah, is a synthesis of, and bracketed by, Judaism, Christianity and Islam

Christianity has from the outset compromized with paganism and almost every doctrine of Christianity is fatally corrupt and does NOT define the Creator

Tithes are Invalid in this age

Judaism is one of the three main religions serving the Creator

Islam is the third of the main religions serving the Creator


Yahooshua Part 1

Who IS Yahooshua

Yahooshua IS the mightiest CREATED being in the entire creation

Yahooshua was an OLD Testament Prophet

How DID Yahooshua Accomplish what he did?

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

Why Yahooshua HAD to die THAT way

Father forgive them they do not know what they are doing

My Darling why have You forsaken me?

The Covenant of Yahooshua

As oft as you eat it in remembrance of Yahooshua

Death with Yahooshua

Yahooshua Part 2

Yahooshua is WAITING for his enemies to be made his footstool

What IS special about Yahooshua?

Yahooshua will return once the true message has been preached to ALL the earth

The Church put Yahooshua to Death

Authority IN the Name of Yahooshua

LIMITATIONS in the Name of Yahooshua

The Blood of the Covenant

Who Yahooshua is NOT

Old Testament versus New Testament

On what day was Yahooshua born?

Those who followed Yahooshua did NOT know Torah

Greater Works than Yahooshua did

There is NO Trinity

Yahooshua is NOT the ONLY way

The man Yahooshua, commonly called Jesus was and is a human being and is NOT the Creator

Yahooshua, commonly called "Jesus" will only return around 3003 and is NOT "coming soon"

The Great Falling Away is right now


Judgment in THIS Life

Judgment of Believers Who Die

Judgment of Unbelievers Who Die

The Day of Judgment

High Throne with Yahooshua

The Outer Darkness in Heaven

The Foolish Virgins in Heaven

The Lake of Fire and Brimstone

Satan to the Pit for a Thousand Years

Judgement on the church of Jesus Christ

Judgment at the End of the Age

Yahooshua is WAITING UNTIL his enemies are made his FOOTSTOOL

Yahooshua will return when the true message has been preached to ALL the world

No one is intentionally going to Hell

Few people are intending to become demons

Obedience as a Basis of Judgement

Judgment THIS Life





Judge me Severely and Correct me Harshly that I may serve You more Perfectly

Believing Men in Lack

Highly anointed ones also make mistakes and sin


Burn for Eternity Yes? or No?

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Part 1 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Critical Question

An Important Caveat

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

A Vital question: Do we know what sin is? - What is the essence of Judgment?

Cause for Concern - Nearly ALL of mankind is breaking most of the commandments

Part 2 of the eBook -- Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

Is there an alternative? -- can one aspire to a High Throne?

It is NOT just heaven or the lake of fire, there is a continuum

It IS POSSIBLE to overcome

What indicators are there about pleasing the Almighty?

How do we overcome? What is the Price?

Some challenging passages from The Final Quest

Joyner's experience of the Judgment


The Final Quest by Rick Joyner

Yah speaks on Rick Joyner

The Call by Rick Joyner

Critical Success Factors for Life

Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?

Engineered Creation

Sexual reproduction proves there is a Creator

Part 1 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


An important assumption and some painful deductions

Some important preparatory points

Use of statistics from

Argument from Incredulity

Progressive development versus Instantaneous Creation

Other religions and spirits

Some other issues with certain religious views of creation

What next?

Part 2 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man


Does this mean deadlock?

A Different approach?

Some issues that arise from the above questions

Science - Engineering - Religion


Suggested principles for further analysis

"Planned (Engineered) Creative Evolution" versus "Unplanned (Unengineered) Spontaneous Evolution"

Part 3 of the book What is the origin and purpose of man

Evidence in Immediate Physical Environment

Tying up loose ends

Various bits and pieces

Some other considerations regarding creation versus evolution

Soft attributes of human beings

 If all else fails, ask for a "sign"?



The World Before the Flood

The Flood Itself

The World After the Flood

Understanding the Impact of the Flood

Why Millions of Years is Invalid

Flood Videos

Overview of the Flood Videos

Section 1 -- Proof of a Global Flood -- Introduction

Section 2: Gold Mines -- Evidence of Massive Hydraulic Flood Action

Section 3: Layered Sedimentary Rocks -- Evidence of a Global Flood

Section 4: The Halfwayhouse Granite Dome -- Massive Surface Disruption

Section 5: African Erosion Surface -- massive flood cutting action

Section 6: Incised Valley deep in massive Granite -- evidence of massive flood action

Section 7: The REAL Age of all this - a flood as recently as 4,500 years ago?

Section 8: Signs Of Judgment -- Real Mount Sinai and Ten Commandments

Section 9: Where DID the water came from? And where did it go? -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 10: Summing Up -- Proof of a Global Flood

Section 11: End Notes -- Proof of Global Flood

There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "flood"

Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today


The Spiritual Nature of Sex

Yah Created Sex and it was good

The Virgins Covenant

Sex is a Covenant Act

The One-Flesh Bond

Making Love

Transfer of Demons

Soul Ties


Role of Man

Role of Woman

Monogamy and sexual lovemaking

The Bed is Undefiled

The Joy of Sex

Sex -- Permitted and Prohibited

"Sex Before Marriage"

One Night Stands

Men with Men

Women with Women

Anal Sex

Oral Sex




Sexual Thoughts


Spiritual Separation of Man and Woman

Coping with Sexual Need

The Virgin's Covenant is CRITICAL to understand sex, marriage, adultery and divorce

Men & Women

Men and Women and covenant

The Virgins Covenant

Age to Marry



Cleave is NOT Adhere

Isaiah 4:1

Men and Women and Family


Separation of Man and Woman







Is Polygamy Scriptural?



The Book -- The Scriptural Definition of Marriage, Adultery and Divorce

Preamble and Table of Contents

1: Introduction & Concepts

2: How does scripture define the marriage covenant?

3: What does scripture say about adultery?

4: Scriptural Divorce

5: Is monogamy scriptural?

6: Some other scriptures on marriage issues

7: The Tradition of the Elders and Other heresies

8: Consequences of the Heresy of Monogamy and Related false Doctrines

9: Summary and Conclusion

Appendices A to G

Appendices H to P

Appendices Q to V

Appendices W to Index of Key words

Man and Woman in Harmony

Marriage Strategy

Marriage Teachings

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation

Part 1: The Coming Tribulation


Part 3: Scriptural definition of Marriage, Divorce & Adultery

Part 4: Towards Heaven on Earth in Marriage

Part 5: Practical Application of Marriage Teachings

Part 6: Deliverance

Part 7. Conclusion

The Almighty designed us from the beginning such that one man can covenant with more than one woman, this is evidenced by the seal of virginity

There are seven times as many believing women as men on earth today so most need to remain celibate and single

The Responsibility of Believing men towards single believing women

A Letter to a Single Woman

The need of Single Women for Companionship

The impact of Wild Oats (children from casual sex) on the world today

The truth about Divorce



Yahs Commandments

Contest or Compromise

The Mark of the Beast

This Life


ALL are Seed of Noah

Nearly ALL alive on earth today are Seed of Abraham

Most of those alive today are Seed of Yisrael





Yahoodah {Judah}










Middle East


Babylon / Iraq


United Kingdom

Rest of Europe

North America


Central America and Bahamas

South America




The Curse of Canaan

South Africa


Rest of Africa

The Majority is Always Wrong


Yahoodite = Jew

Thank Yah that the Jews Killed Jesus

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Khazars

The Jews are Yisraelites and NOT Seed of Satan

Jews are NOT Ominipotent

Blessed for Relative Faithfulness


The Colour of a Person Tells Nothing About Their Bloodline

The Hammite African Spiritual Dispensation

The Curse of Canaan on many Africans


World Trade Center Demolition

New World Order etc

Do NOT Concern yourself with Conspiracy

Y2K (The Year 2000 Computer Fear) -- What WAS it? -- an immature believes conspiracy theory

The REAL Conspiracy



Annual Volumes





Articles Emailed

Creator Desires a Deep Personal Relationship with YOU

Seven Components of Drawing Close to the Almighty

Where will YOU Spend Eternity?

6010 (2013/4)

6011 (2014/5)

Particularly Important Articles and other Resources

Insights that I have gained into various topics from day to day

Table of Contents of the body of the Website

Articles to 2009 (6005)


List of Articles from 2009

Article Keyword Cloud

Article Categories

Contact Us


The REAL Contest

What IF Satan WINS?

Satanic Dominion

Where are YOU headed for Eternity?

What should YOU do about the direction of your life today?

The ULTIMATE GOAL -- deep personal friendship with the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth

The ULTIMATE SIN -- unbelief -- believing the Almighty Creator does NOT exist -- by default allegiance to Satan

The TRAP to prevent you achieving the goal of deep personal relationship with the Creator -- Jesus, the Bible, the Church and Pastors and other people

If you have questions

Consolidated Volumes of Articles

We are in the process of assembling the articles on this site into annual volumes based on the lunar based cycles prescribed by the Almighty, the following volumes are currently available in Adobe pdf format

The full list of articles is available on the Articles page and also on the listing in this side bar

The documents are formatted for double sided printing

Vol 10 year 6006 from Creation: 29 Mar 2009 to 18 Mar 2010
Vol11 year 6007 from Creation: 18 Mar 2010 to 6 Apr 2011
 The documents are also available in Microsoft Word docx format on the detailed article listing in the side bar
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