Most believers are unaware of the significance of judgment in the world and in what is to come, they have been lied to and believe that they just have to believe and everything will be alright, this is FAR from the truth
We are judged in this life and, MORE critically, we are judged when we die
If we become believers we are subject to a more severe judgment than if we are NOT believers
As an unbeliever when you die you will be taken to the lake of Fire, shown that this is your destiny UNLESS the forces of Satan defeat Yah in the contest and then you will be returned to the body you just left and will spend the rest of the 7,000 years as an ancestor spirit or demon
At some level you may try to help Satan to win so that you can have honour and rank in the Satanic realm, or you may just stay as a lonely spirit with no ambition, in the place where you died
At the end of the 7,000 years IF Satan wins and there is NOT a believer on earth without sin to call Yahooshua to return and usher in judgment, you will remain as a spirit on earth under the dominion of Satan for eternity
IF at the end of the 7,000 years Satan loses, you will be gathered up and thrown into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where you will be utterly consumed in moment of terror and torment
Judgment in THIS life
Yah sits on a throne, Yahooshua is our advocate, Satan is the accuser, there is a Court in Heaven and judgments are constantly handed down
Loss, lack, illness, accidents, premature death in the life of a believer and even in the lives of unbelievers are at some level a direct consequence of a judgment in the Court of Heaven
The Satanic realm bring an accusation "Joe believer is in adultery we want a sentence of death", Yahooshua the advocate says "Joe is a young believer, I ask for mitigation of sentence", "Yah says, let him break a leg", the Satanic realm goes out and arrange for Joe to have an accident
Whether it is cancer, a burglary or financial lack there is a similar Court process that is required for that thing to happen
It is vital to understand this and, once a judgment is experienced to seek guidance from Yah, confess, repent and clean up so there is NO further judgment
Once you understand judgment in this life it NO longer becomes a matter of casual discretion as to whether you clean up your life and live according to the Commandments and precepts of Yah
Few people have any understanding of what happens in the after life, that is what will happen to you after you die?
There are many false and incorrect teachings but little is known or taught about the TRUE situation
IF you are a believer and TRULY know that there IS a Creator, the Almighty, Yah the eternally self-existing -- then you face a number of possibilities:
Will you spend eternity on a high throne with Yah and Yahooshua, with great power, esteem, authority, as an "overcomer" and a "good and faithful servant" -- one who had a DEEP personal relationship with Yah and made a REAL effort to serve Him during this life -- the prestige and esteem you will enjoy for ever is beyond ANYTHING that is available to you on earth today, NO matter how powerful you are -- if you REALLY are a high achiever, THIS is what you should be aiming for rather than power on earth -- most of these people seemed as nothing on earth BUT this was because they counted their service to Yah as "a pearl of great price", they lived the "strait" (constrained, restricted, RIGHT) way headed for the "narrow" gate that leads to Yah
OR, will you spend eternity in the "outer darkness" so far from Yah that you cannot even see His throne, isolated in the most intense darkness that exists, the reward you get for at some limited level believing that the Almighty Creator exists but then carried on your life totally ignoring Him -- one stage better than condemned to live as an ancestor spirit on earth as an unbeliever but still a place of NO status and NO esteem, one who is banished to the furthest reaches of Heaven with NO privileges, a reflection of how YOU treated Yah
OR, will you spend eternity a bit closer to the throne, with some level of light, able to see the throne in the distance, with some limited rank, authority and esteem, as one who believed, adjusted one's life somewhat, possibly even a regular church goer but NEVER came to a place of deep personal relationship with Yah coupled to a deep desire and striving to overcome sin and error in your life -- the lot of a "foolish virgin" -- you might even be one who was very active and powerful in the church but you pursued false teachings and your own esteem and power as is, sadly, the lot of many leaders in the church
OR, you might progressively come closer to the throne and have greater rank depending on the extent to which you had relationship with Yah and served Him
BUT the REAL target SHOULD be a high throne alongside Yah and Yahooshua, that is the TRUE treasure of the Kingdom of Yah
If you believed but have sinned at a level leading to rejection
If at some stage you believed but then entered into repeated wilful sin there is a point at which Yah will reject you, in that case when you die you will face the judgment for sin that applies to all believers, that is you will spend time in the place of torment where you will pay the price of all unrepented sin
Once you have served your term you will be cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where you will be utterly consumed after a moment of terror and torment
If you are an unbeliever:
If you are an unbeliever you will find that when you die you will be taken to the Lake of Fire and Brimstone, which will be your ultimate destination UNLESS Satan wins the Contest, told you have been lied to and have the contest explained and then taken back to your corpse where you may be left to languish as an ancestor spirit or demon who is NOT considered worth utilizing
As such you may even become a "good demon" or "good ghost" one who regrets your mistake, is demotivated or even passively or actively resists the kingdom of Satan, in such cases you will find yourself relegated to some place where you can do little harm to the kingdom of Satan, such as the spirit of the grandmother that gentles the crying child
Alternatively, IF you are accomplished in sin or die where there is a knowledgeable Witch or other servant of Satan to take charge of you then you will be transferred together with your load of demons onto other humans or onto totem poles or other emblems of Witchcraft and Satanism
Here you will be harshly treated by the demons more powerful than you and pressed into service in the kingdom of Satan
This will often be with harsh discipline, seeking to bring about the defeat of the Kingdom of Yah on earth so that Satan can rule on earth for eternity
Your expertise in sin and error and commitment to it will be brought to bear in bringing false wisdom to the human beings you are assigned to over time and IF you succeed in leading them into increasing error you MAY be progressively promoted to greater and greater status amongst the servants of Satan
If you are REALLY accomplished in your role as a purveyor of sin and error you may over time be promoted to become a counselor to the Masterminds, the most powerful demons who control most of what happens on earth
For your loyal service you will serve a kingdom that is harsh, unloving, demanding, brutal, cruel, the epithomy of evil -- the kingdom that you aligned yourself with, probably through unwitting and unconscious decisions and sin while you were alive
Should you and all those serving Satan succeed in destroying the body of believers on earth such that NOT ONE will be free of sin on the appointed date 7,000 years after the Creation of Adam then Yahooshua will NOT return, any who believe on earth at that date will be removed and you and the more than 100 billion ancestor spirits serving Satan will serve Satan on earth with ALL influence of Yah removed
If one considers the extent to which mankind has degenerated from Adam or even from Noah under the influence of Satan -- we have shrunk from over six meters in height to under two meters in height, our intellect and wisdom is greatly diminished and we have degenerated morally to become the most evil (corrupt) generation that has ever lived -- you will start to get some idea of what awaits you for eternity
Consider how the children of Ham (the people of Africa) have degenerated in their increasingly extreme service of Satan
Also the degeneration of the children of Shem in North and South America who degenerated into primitive indians, more so in South America as their service of Satan increased
Ditto Australia and the Pacific Islands
Consider also Europe during the Dark Ages when Satan was dominating through the corrupt church before reformation restored some limited truth in Europe
There can be no doubt that the earth under the rule of Satan with ALL presence of Yah withdrawn will NOT be a pleasant place to live -- a harsh price to pay for the foolishness that allows an otherwise intelligent being to look at the Universe, the earth, the plants, the animals and decide that there is NOT a Creator -- see the section on "Why Believe" and the section on "Creation" for more information
IF on the other hand the servants of Satan FAIL to take captive EVERY SINGLE believer and there is ONE believer free of sin and material error who can call on Yahooshua to return then the fate of ALL who serve Satan will be to be gathered together as refuse (trash) and cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone where in a moment of torment and terror you will be completely consumed and cease to exist
A BROAD spectrum of opportunities
What will YOU choose?
Creation versus Evolution -- What is the Origin and Purpose of Man?

The debate regarding the origin of man, the animals, the plants, planet Earth, the Solar System and the Universe generally is waged around "the Bible says"
Since Yah refers to the Bible as "this little book", says that "the bible limits me" and that He "hates" the bible because people worship it and rely on it, instead of seeking a close personal relationship with Him, the Bible is clearly NOT a reliable source with regard to defending a thesis that the Creator exists -- see the page on
The Bible
The book presented on this page undertakes a very detailed analysis and was written some years ago
Since then I have come to a much more robust understanding of the debate
As an engineer I know just how much knowledge, experience, precision and discipline is required to design and create even a relatively simple structure, computer system, or ANY other component of Human endeavour
It is also apparent that this knowledge is NOT intuitive or obvious, the "primitive" tribes around the world who are degenerated from Noah, just as we are, evidences this
Accordingly I have to say to you that I now find it inconceivable that ANY intelligent person can TRULY believe there was NOT a creative engineering being behind the systematic, progressive (i.e. evolutionary) development of the Universe, the Solar System, planet Earth, plants and animals
In the same way I have to say to believers who insist on a "biblically based" false view of creation occurring in seven 24 hour "days" as we currently understand days, that I find it inconceivable that ANY intelligent person can TRULY believe this
Those who believe in Creation and have a personal relationship with the Creator to evidence this are CORRECT in many respects, but virtually ALL I have encountered are in SERIOUS error with regard to what they believe to be the mechanism of Creation
In the same way, those who believe in "evolution" without a Creator, are CORRECT in many respects, but virtually ALL I have encountered are in SERIOUS error with regard to what they believe in terms of the motive force behind evolution
It is clear to me that the Almighty progressively created more and more complex components, more and more complex plants, more and more complex animals and finally human beings, each increment part of a learning process in which some things worked better than others and some things simply were obliterated
BUT my entire engineering training teaches me that there HAS to have been an engineer, a Creator, a project manager, a designer, a fabricator, whatever you want to call Him, who engineered this complex being called "man" and all the other complex entities on earth and in the Universe -- they CANNOT possibly have self invented themselves
Males cannot have self invented the penis and sperm and women self invented the vagina and the ovum so that one day, when both were fully formed they would WANT to join together and, having joined together would enjoy such intense pleasure that the male would ejaculate his seed into the woman and THEN the seed would join to the egg and THEN the egg would implant in the womb, pre-prepared to receive the egg and progressively develop into a foetus that is a statistically exact merger of the attributes of both parents
Any person who truly believes that this all happened without a Creator is highly deceived
In the same way, the most elementary understanding of physics will indicate that all the elements of the Universe could NOT have been placed in position instantaneously, the forces and accelerations required for this to happen, are beyond being possible and would result in all sorts of catastrophic events
Likewise the progression that is clearly evident in the different forms of plants and animals, clearly evidences a gradual, progressive, inventive, if you will "evolutionary" process that it is extremely foolish to deny
So, BOTH the Creationists AND the Evolutionists are WRONG AND RIGHT!
And BOTH come to the same ultimate conclusion IF they are honest with themselves
The Creationists are left with there HAVING to be a Creator and they do NOT know where He came from other than that He repeatedly, over 7,000 times in the Bible (despite its shortcomings) is referred to as "eternally self-existing" so, a leap of trust and belief {faith} is required
The Evolutionists are left with the entire Universe having emerged from nowhere as a consequence of a "Big Bang" or some other derivative that postulates that all of the Universe, the Solar System, the Earth, plants, animals and mankind self invented and self created themselves so, a leap of trust and belief {faith} is required
From where I sit, having HEARD the Almighty speak audibly, hearing His voice constantly, having ongoing experience of the presence of His Spirit there is NO contest, I KNOW He exists and IF you are intellectually honest with yourself and ADMIT that you cannot explain where we originated from, and HUMBLE yourself and cry out to Him to reveal Himself to you, I have GREAT confidence that He WILL make Himself known to you IF you have eyes to see and ears to hear what He does, in order to reveal Himself
Get on your knees before Him or, better still IF you REALLY want to find out if He exists, get flat on your face and pray something like "this man, James, says there IS an Almighty Creator, I realize that I CANNOT explain where all of this come from, I now choose to humble myself and I implore you, Yah the eternally self-existing, IF you DO exist, please reveal yourself to me in a way that I am able to experience and KNOW that you are real"
I have GREAT confidence that IF you pray that prayer sincerely, He WILL answer you
IF you WANT Him to reveal Himself He WILL do so
IF you operate in doubt and unbelief and hold your intellect to be more reliable in its delusion, then it is likely that He will NOT reveal Himself to you and even IF he attempts to do so YOU will NOT see or hear what He does to reach you
I close as an engineer, an intellectual, highly qualified, highly educated, with a Mensa level IQ, by saying to you that IF you are truly intellectually honest with yourself, you WILL find evidence of the Creator and IF you humble yourself, you WILL discover that He is real and wants a DEEP PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with YOU
Proof of a Global Flood - Turning history on its head

This page presents a set of videos proving there has been a Global Flood
Following is an overview of the suite of videos followed by links to the full set of videos after that.
These are all available on YouTube at
Following is the summary, followed by an overall discussion of the topic and then the individual presentations
Overview of the programme
Most people pooh pooh the idea of a global flood
everywhere you go on earth the evidence is STARING YOU IN THE FACE!
This video, "Turning history on its head -- Proof of a Global Flood" presents a comprehensive analysis of the huge diversity of evidence around the world that shouts of the occurrence of a global flood.
evidences that this took place not so long ago
and asks the question
"was this a judgment by the Creator?"
if so
is there another judgment to come?
Where will YOU spend eternity?
Join us for what I truly believe you will find to be a challenging and exciting ride
I have finally completed my project to create a video evidencing the reality of a recent global flood based as far as possible on information that you can verify by inspection of geology and topography not far from where you live and based on your observations of the world we live in.
Interestingly we were busy with the final editing of these videos when the earthquake and tsunami's hit Japan providing reinforcing images of the massive capacity of water to reshape things.
In this programme I have set out to avoid the use of emotive language and "the bible is the word of God and it says there was a flood so you better believe it" language.
As an engineer and scientist, an intellectual and, at some level, an academic I have set out to prove there has been a flood based on entirely systematic, rational argument.
I use standard engineering principles like "proof by contradiction", "extrapolation is to be avoided", "engineers design bridges NOT to fall down" and others to develop my argument.
This is supported by evidence that most physical attributes in the real world exhibit exponential characteristics and that linear extrapolation is invalid and unreliable.
This is supported by images from NASA which evidence large quantities of water in the form of ice comets and other objects that could easily impact the earth, melt and flood the planet, massive instability in the Universe around us, runaway stars traveling at a speed that would take them from the earth to the moon in an hour, and other evidence to prove that millions or billions of years of steady state conditions is entirely unlikely.
We go down a Gold mine to find evidence of massive water deposited sediments over two kilometres thick that have been up-thrust by at least seven kilometres and then baked, as in a furnace, to produce glassy quartzite rock. We ask how this could happen and conclude that only a massive hydraulic and tectonic event (flood) could explain this. Dramatic change happens rapidly, NOT slowly.
We travel the world to look at massive sedimentary deposits of water laid material turned to rock, the Grand Canyon, Fish River Canyon, Table Mountain, Uluru (Ayres Rock), all over the world massive depths of water laid material compressed and converted to rock. The only possible explanation is a massive worldwide flood resulting in massive Tsunami's ripping around the planet.
From there we have a look at the Halfway House Granite dome and other granite dome's around the world, massive intrusions that speak to massive disruption of the earth's surface and sudden and rapid breaking through of the earth's crust by molten magma that solidified almost instantly on contact with cold water and cold mud and slush.
From here we take a look at the African Erosion Surface, a massive level plain about 1,700 meters above sea level and parallel with the sea surface which extends over much of Africa. We examine the mechanics of constructing and forming plain and level surfaces and conclude that a massive uniform cutting action is the only possible explanation for this land form. The only possible mechanism is, once again, water! Massive tsunami's ripping around the planet scything off material uniformly.
But, we see a further problem, all over the world we are confronted with massively incised valleys, cliffs and other land forms which speak of huge volumes of rock and earth dramatically ripped away and deposited hundreds or even thousands of kilometres away. The forces required to do this are huge and, again, can only be explained by massive water action. This in turn speaks to a massive disruption of the stability of the earth leading to rapid separation of the continents and drainage of water.
Where to next?
Well, traditional theories suggest that this all took place gradually millions or billions of years ago, but there is a further problem, the rocks in many places show sharp clean fracture corners and the rock is clean. The rounding and moss and lichen growth you would expect to form over millions of years is absent.
We then look at some challenging realities, historical documents that are generally accepted to be at least 2,500 years old that assert that there was a global flood about 4,500 years ago. Timelines and records from various cultures that corroborate this. We find, in a passage of writing commonly referred to as "Genesis" and contained in the book commonly called "the Bible" such historical accounts and also an account that says that a man called Noah or Nuh survived a flood in a wooden vessel, commonly referred to as an Ark.
Then, we discover that the remains of a wooden ship of the same dimensions has been found in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey, just where the historical account says they will be found.
So, what do we believe?
"Scientific" theories that defy basic engineering principles to "prove" by dubious extrapolation that these events happened millions or billions of years ago, or mutually corroborating ancient writings which indicate that it happened about 4,500 years ago?
And so,
To the next stage …
HOW did this happen?
We look at large chunks of ice orbiting just outside our Solar System and postulate that one of these could easily be deflected, strike the earth's atmosphere, melt and flood the earth. We look at Ice Comets only 160 times the distance of the earth to the moon away and draw similar conclusions.
We look at a massive crater on Mars which has characteristics that one would realistically expect from impact by an ice object and see that such a crater stretches from Cape Town to Lusaka, a distance of over 2,000 kilometres.
We also postulate that a near miss by a larger object made partly or entirely of ice could provide sufficient water to flood the earth AND cause the orbit of the earth to shift from circular to elliptical AND cause the earth to tilt on its axis in the process giving rise to massive instability and disruption of the surface of the earth. All entirely consistent with the facts presented so far.
Thus the mechanism for all the geological and topographic formations presented in the video are entirely explainable at a level of reliability that satisfies my need for engineering "explainability".
We face a further challenge
The writings labelled "Genesis" claim that this event was triggered by the being who it also claims created the heavens and the earth, one who is customarily referred to as God, the LORD, Allah, one whose existence many dispute.
We go on to explore this thesis by examining further evidence of the reliability of the accounts contained in the writings referred to as Genesis and Exodus. We look at the remains of cities turned to ash in line with what is reported in Genesis as another judgement. We find the remains of chariots, human and horse skeletons on the floor of the Red Sea where Exodus says they will be found, corroborating another alleged judgment. We find a fire blackened mountain in line with Exodus where it is alleged that this Almighty Creator dictated "Ten Commandments", ten laws, as the basis of judgment of mankind for all time and wrote them on stone.
We consider these commandments and discover that they were placed in a receptacle referred to as "The Ark of the Covenant" and note that this has also been found, together with the tablets of stone, under an execution site which correlates with other historical accounts relating to the execution of a man by the name of Yahooshua, the anointed of Yah (Yah being the true name of the Creator and Yahooshua being the correct name of one commonly known as Jesus Christ).
And so,
We raise the question
Could there be one more judgment?
A judgment which will commit those who fail the test to burn in eternal fire for eternity but qualify those who succeed and overcome to live in a place of great beauty for eternity. We ask you to consider your options and your opinions.
Did the flood "just happen" or was it the consequence of a judgment by the Creator and, if it was a judgment, is there another judgment to come by fire in which we will all participate?
Finally we wrap up with some interesting but little known religious facts.
We have just released this programme comprising two DVD's with a total of twelve video segments following the outline presented above.
It is accompanied by a computer data CD containing a collection of eBooks and articles and other material for further reading, plus the artwork and other material necessary for you to duplicate and distribute these materials yourself together with the PowerPoint presentations if you would like to translate the material or use it for tailored presentations.
The CD also contains the material from a business course of mine titled "Why your ERP is not delivering and how to fix it" and a selection of articles relating to business effectiveness generally.
Once you become sensitized to the evidence you will find that no matter where you go in the world you WILL find evidence of a global flood and this will strengthen your belief in the Creator.
There is global proof of a global catastrophe which is FAR beyond a "flood"
One of the problems associated with holding the Bible to be complete and inviolate and the "Word of God" is that people then suspend their intellect and critical faculties and take positions that turn unbelievers off of the Almighty Creator, Yah the Eternally Self-Existing, with the result that Yah says that "a huge number of unbelievers do NOT believe because they do NOT believe in "the God of the Bible punchers"
If one assumes that the earth was as it is today and that it rained for 40 days and 40 nights and submerged the entire planet that is palpably foolish, there clearly is NOT enough water
To then say "the Bible says it so I believe it" makes a mockery of logic and intellect where an honest answer would be "I cannot comprehend how this could have happened, there is clearly something I do not understand"
I asked Yah a question along these lines many years ago, in time He answered me by putting me in touch with material from Jonathan Gray and Ron Wyatt that evidence that the remains of a large wooden ship that exactly correspond with the so-called "Ark" or ship of Noah in exactly the location that historical texts indicate have been found
This material went on to postulate that an ice Comet had hit the earth, melted, flooded the earth, knocked the earth off its axis, causes massive tectonic (earth surface form) distortion and finally triggered the release of pent up pressure in the core of the earth so that the earth expanded by about 25% allowing the water to drain off the continents
As an Engineer with training in Geology and research into the formation of rock like materials and their strength and erosion characteristics I evaluated these assertions and found them to be plausible, in my research I discovered that large blocks of ice of the size necessary to flood the Earth occur widely in the Kuiper Belt and I found evidence of such a large block of ice striking Mars and leaving a crater that could only be explained by an ice object
Taking the dimensions of that crater and applying them to earth I calculated that such an object would flood the earth to a depth of several kilometers
As I observed and researched further it became clearly apparent that the ONLY way the land forms we know today could be explained was through such an event
In this research I combined extensive geological knowledge which I already had with observations in the field and proved conclusively to my satisfaction that there had been a massive hydraulic and tectonic event
Taking this research further I established that about 90% of the Earth's surface is covered with rocks of sedimentary origin generally to depths of several kilometers, sometimes much more
The Gold Mines in South Africa have proven reserves to a depth of over five kilometers thrust up by a Granite Dome which extrapolates to a height of at least two kilometers above current ground level indicating a potential depth of water of at least seven kilometers, oil reserves in the Gulf of Mexico (which are in Sedimentary Rocks) exist at depths up to ten kilometers below sea level
There are the remains of approximately 20,000 volcanoes and the continents all fit together into one coherent jigsaw puzzle that fits together perfectly if one reduces the diameter of the earth by about 25%, etc
All of this is discussed in detail in the videos on the Proof of Global Flood page on this website
As an engineer it is absolutely clear to me that the massive Earth surface disruptions that are evidenced by the mountains and other land forms around the Earth could ONLY have been formed very rapidly through a massive hydraulic "flood" event in which massive waves swept around the planet eroding and depositing material while at the same time volcanoes, lave flows and granite domes up-welling from the core all dramatically impacted the horizontal sedimentary deposits
It is equally apparent that the separation of the continents could ONLY have taken place rapidly with a massive unstable force situation, gradual movement of the scale that is evident could NOT occur slowly over millions of years, it had to happen nearly instantaneously, a few years at most
This leaves the quandary of where the water went
The answer is simple, when the earth was formed it was relatively cool, however, the core of the earth is a nuclear reactor which keeps the core molten and contributes materially to keeping the earth warm, as this reactor grew in potency over the centuries before the catastrophe increasing pressure built up but, since the original earth's surface was uniform, it acted as a pressure vessel
When the comet struck and the disruption of the surface commenced the first evidence of this pent up pressure was the bursting forth of around 20,000 volcanoes, then granite domes forced their way to the surface and subsequently lava flows
However, as the crust continued to weaken and the effect of the Earth being knocked about 30 degrees off its vertical rotation AND into an elliptical orbit of the sun from a circular orbit this brought massive wrenching forces to bear on the Earth and under these extreme forces the crust cracked and started to split apart thereby enabling the pressure in the crust to be released and the continents to be forced very rapidly apart draining the water off the land extremely rapidly and causing dramatic erosive forms like the Grand Canyon to be formed in a very short space of time
The continents kept moving with considerable momentum until some of them met up again on the other side of the planet giving rise to massive upheavals resulting in the major mountain ranges, the Alps, the Andes (North and South America) and the Himalayas and associated mountain chains
Massive tears in the ocean floor, most notably the Mariana Trench also resulted
When the humans, Noah and his family, stepped out of the ship they found a world that was totally devastated with heavy cloud, volcanic debris in the air, etc -- it took many years for them to build a thriving community and, in the process to use the technology and technological knowledge they brought with them to build a new civilization but within a few hundred years of the flood impressive civilizations such as Egypt, etc started springing up
There is another element to this picture
Most parameters in the physical world follow an exponential characteristic, the decay of radioactivity ALSO follows such a characteristic
Because the core of the earth is a nuclear reactor and the molten core rocks are therefore highly radioactive and thus the volcanoes, granite domes and lava flows all brought highly radioactive material to the surface, this had two impacts:
1. The radioactive decay curve after this event was one of exponential decay and therefore ALL dating methods based on radioactive isotopes with assumed linear decay are completely false and should be discarded, the entire surface of the earth dates back to the time of this global catastrophe and there is therefore NO longer any basis to discard a hypothesis of the event occurring in recent history
2. The human beings and animals in the ship, the plant seeds in the waters and soil and the fish and other aquatic life in the waters were ALL subject to substantial doses of radioactivity, more than sufficient to trigger mutation at significant levels and so this explains how all human beings on the planet have evolved from the eight on the ship, how all the animals on the planet have evolved from the pairs on the ship, etc -- thus the core genera were on the ship, the wide diversity of species evolved AFTER the catastrophe
Thus, apart from the point of departure (Creation versus Random Self Invention) and the time line (thousands versus millions of years), the "Theory of Evolution" is entirely plausible without saying anything about Creation which is discussed elsewhere on this site
Taking the above into account we are left with the reality that there ARE historical accounts in verifiably very old documents that indicate that this catastrophe took place about 4,500 years ago and that all the ancient civilizations that are now in ruins came into existence within a relatively short space of time after the end of the catastrophe with superior technologies that came from the very advanced technology that existed before the catastrophe, refer the book "Dead Men's Secrets" for more information
The remains of the ship have been found together with the remains of a house and a grave and it turns out that Noah was about 18 feet (6 meters) tall confirming the assertion that human beings were of great stature and intellect when created
This is vital to understanding that we really ARE degrading overall and will continue to degrade over time
Notice also that the continents were all formed of material deposited under water and therefore super-saturated with the result that the Earth has been steadily drying out for 4,500 years as water drains out of the interstecies of the rock, THIS is the primary explanation for "Global Warming" -- the Sahara Desert was once an inland sea as evidenced by ports and ships in the middle of it
Once one understands the above historical facts a lot of things that do NOT really add up fall into place and make belief in the Almighty Creator MUCH easier rather than belief in the "God of the Bible Punchers"
Please have a look at the Videos and give yourself space to think deeply and critically about what is summarized above and presented in detail in those videos and then reassess whether objections to the "God of the Bible Punchers" have gotten in the way of your intellect in accepting the Almighty Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, see also the page on Evolutionary Creation for more information
Evolutionary Creation is the ONLY practical explanation of what exists today
In understanding the question of Creation versus Evolution it is VITAL to be aware of the Global Catastrophe (aka Flood) described on the previous page
This event totally destroyed the entire surface of the earth and created a totally new surface made up of mostly sedimentary and metamorphosed sedimentary rocks interspersed with about 20,000 volcanoes, lava flows, granite domes and other volcanic upwellings from the core of the earth, also associated with the massive tectonic upheaval that followed the impact of the ice comet that flooded the earth, knocked it off its vertical axis and knocked it out of its circular orbit around the sun
Accordingly there are very few archaeological artefacts that pre-date this catastrophe and the vast majority of archaeology and all geology and geography date from the catastrophe
Added to this because of the upwellings from the radioactive core of the earth associated with the massive landform upheaval associated with the comet strike ALL forms of dating based on levels of radioactivity are fatally flawed
This high level of radioactivity immediately after the catastrophe also led to high levels of mutation in the plants and animals that survived, including humans
In addition, the change in diameter of the earth and therefore reduced gravity and other factors led to progressive deterioration of the plants and animals and particularly mankind, following the catastrophe
There is substantial evidence that this event took place about 4,500 years ago, 2345 BC to be exact, and that the major civilizations such as Egypt, the Indus Valley, etc all sprang up rapidly as the earth was repopulated
The archaeological evidence that DOES exist points clearly to a very advanced civilization with very advanced technology prior to the catastrophe as evidenced by the limited artefacts that have been found from the pre-flood period -- the book "Dead Men's Secrets" presents a very useful catalogue of these findings
The remains of the dwelling of those who survived the flood together with an associated grave indicate that the survivors were of the order of 18 feet (6 meters) tall and were literally giants who possessed very advanced technical knowledge
Please see the videos on the Flood page of this website for a series of videos that provide a comprehensive discussion of all the above
There is also evidence of a major global atomic war around 500 years after the flood event with a number of remains of cities with high levels of radioactivity at various points in the world such that so-called pre-historic ape men are, in fact, humans who mutated following exposure to extremely high levels of radioactivity following this war
The evidence of a global catastrophe is all around us IF one is prepared to suspend disbelief and look openly and critically at the world around us
Once one recognizes that there HAS been a global hydraulic and tectonic catastrophe and that the land forms around the world could ONLY have come into existence through such a dramatic event happening in a short space of time then one is better placed to consider the debate with regard to evolution versus creation
Firstly, once one recognizes the short time frame coupled to the high levels of radioactivity during and after the hydraulic and tectonic catastrophe it becomes entirely possible to visualize the rapid evolutionary divergence of species in a way that is entirely consistent with the observations of Darwin and others, with the exception that it becomes apparent that these evolutionary forms developed over thousands of years rather than the millions of years previously speculated
This same mechanism easily explains all the diverse people forms on the earth today, except that the evolution has NOT been in a positive, improvement direction but in a "devolutionary", that is deteriorating way -- barring a recovery in recent centuries -- see the page on "Reformation masks degradation"
Thus the people of Africa have degraded at a much faster rate than the people of Europe and Asia -- there are spiritual explanations for this that are discussed elsewhere on this site
If one considers the available information further it is apparent that, whether what exists today came into existence through a process of random selection or a carefully managed creative process, all that exists today in terms of the Universe, our Solar System, our planet Earth and all the plants and animals on the planet have to all come into existence over a considerable period where "millions of years" is entirely plausible
It is also apparent that from a straight forward mechanical developmentally perspective the Universe and the Solar system had to come into position in a manner that allowed them to stabilise in the manner that now exists with our Solar System -- the most basic consideration of physics evidences that this had to take place at manageable speeds and therefore it has taken a very considerable amount of time for all the stars, galaxies, etc that we can observe to reach their present positions and stabilize at some level
That this may have taken place as the consequence of some initial explosive "big bang" event is entirely plausible and cannot be ignored
Any thesis which says "the bible says this was all formed in seven periods of 24 hours" is entirely specious and denies the most elementary laws of physics and common sense
Which is more the case when it is realized that the word translated "day" in the bible relative to creation refers in fact to an indeterminate period of time
Notwithstanding the above one is faced with a range of frequently near hysterical and irrational rhetoric which claims the bible translated into the language of the person making the claims, as the definitive and all knowing authority on the matter
Please refer to the page on the Bible to see what the Almighty has to say about the bible as a defining authority -- once one is aware of this then it is possible to remove the bible from the debate as a defining authority and limit it to being a collection of provably very old writings that point to some historical developments and understandings within the limitations of the sources of information available to the people who wrote them
In this regard it is important to note that the writings in the bible have all at some stage in history been reduced to fragments of parchments and other documents that have survived various catastrophic human events -- there is NO body of intact documentation that has been meticulously preserved and added to generation by generation, accordingly the bible should be regarded as a very old history book of limited accuracy, NO more
Thus we find ourselves with a reality which indicates:
1. There was some form of initial event "big bang" that resulted in the formation of the planets
2. One of these planets was Earth and on this planet conditions for life developed progressively until very simple life forms were able to exist
3. As the climate and environment stabilised and developed more advanced plant and animal life was able to survive until the diversity that is apparent today in the main genera stabilized -- the development of these genera took place on an evolutionary basis with increasingly more complex plant and life forms developing
4. These core genera survived a global catastrophic event which resulted in the survivors being exposed to significant radioactivity which triggered accelerated evolutionary change to give us the huge diversity that exists on the planet today
Barring the errors in radio-carbon and other radioactivity based dating methods all that exists today is accurately described by the full body of scientific knowledge and it is extreme foolishness to champion some bible based hypothesis that is contrary to this
This then brings us to the core challenge: was there some highly intelligent being who architected and engineered the above progression or did it all happen as a result of random evolutionary selection processes in which simple forms progressively and of their own creative volition developed into more complex forms
There are a number of factors that mitigate in favour of a Creator
1. As an engineer it is my entire life experience that complex things that work require very skilled engineering input to make them work, see also the page on Engineered Creation -- accordingly it is my contention that there HAS to have been considerable very sophisticated external architectural and engineering input to create the Universe in its present form, to create our Solar System, to create planet Earth, to create all the diverse plant and animal forms that populate the earth -- that this took place on a progressive learning, experimentation basis (i.e. evolutionary basis) is, to me, self evident
2. Given that a huge diversity of plants and animals reproduce sexually which requires a male and female with exactly compatible psychology, physiology, genetics, etc in order to fuse a male gamete (e.g. sperm) with a female gamete (e.g. ovum) to combine their DNA and form a new offspring that is an exact merge of the parent beings and then for that small organism to develop progressively into a full blown adult that is exactly like its parents with attributes that are an exact fusion of the attributes of the parents I contend as an engineer that there HAS to have been an external design agency involved for this to work -- sexual reproduction ONLY works when it works and UNTIL it works there is NO sustainability AND such complex interoperability CANNOT happen randomly on on a self creative basis because it CANNOT exist until the sexual reproductive machinery is working exactly -- see also the page on Sex Proves Creation
There are many other arguments that can be adopted but I hold that these two on their own adequately prove my case
By extension, if you wanted a dog kennel in your back yard would your purchase some wood and some tools and leave them in the yard to assemble themselves or would you carefully measure, cut, fasten, etc the materials to create the required dog kennel? -- I contend that were you to leave the items in the back yard they would NEVER self assemble themselves, even over millions of years but, on the contrary, depending in the climate they would eventually rot and rust until in tens or hundreds or thousands of years there would not be much left
The debate with regard to Creation versus Evolution therefore reduces to the following:
1. There is NO basis for debate relative to the clear evidence for a systematic and EVOLUTIONARY progression of development from very basic forms to the complexity of forms that exist today
2. The ONLY question is whether these developments took place on a random basis with NO intellectual architectural and engineering oversite or NOT
3. Fundamental life experience evidences that complex systems require external engineering input and sexual reproduction evidences the same
I therefore submit for your consideration that it is absolutely necessary for there to have been an external engineering ("creative") being active in this process and therefore we are left with the question of where and how that being originated
This may seem like a difficult question but, in fact, it is no more difficult a question to answer than the conundrum that faces those who do NOT believe there is a Creator which is "where did all this stuff come from?"
The fact is we are here
The fact is that we CANNOT explain how we got here based on any form of human understanding
We therefore face the choice of believing that all this stuff just happened from some place we cannot explain
OR that all this stuff was created by an engineering genius, a Creator who somehow made all this stuff come into existence and guided its progressive, that is evolutionary, development to obtain what exists today
On balance it seems to me that to just believe this stuff all happened, in flagrant disregard for the most fundamental tenets of engineering requires much MORE faith than to believe there IS Creator but we do NOT know where He comes from
Either way we have a religion -- the one is a religion that believes in a Creator who carries out creative miracles and another religion that believes that inanimate objects in the form of chunks of rock flying around in space can come into existence of their own volition, assemble themselves into planets and suns of their own volition, organize themselves into solar systems, galaxies, etc of their own volition, generate an ideal climate for life and generate living organisms which, still of their own volition, progressively self create themselves into more and more complex beings until we get to human beings -- I say again, this requires MORE faith than to believe in a Creator
My bottom line?
I KNOW there is a Creator because I have had innumerable experiences with Him, I have heard Him speak audibly, I have had things happen in response to prayer that could NOT have come about any other way and He converses with me constantly and I totally KNOW that I know that I know that He is real and exists
AND my engineering training and training in biology tell me He HAS to exist
He has told me that His TRUE name is "Yah the Eternally Self-Existing" see the page on "Creators Name Yah the Eternally-Self-Existing"
If you are now convinced that He exists I encourage you to turn to Him and pray along the lines of "Father, I now realize that you exist, please forgive my unbelief and teach me how to have a deep personal relationship with you" -- in this context please see the page on "The Creator Desires Friends" as well as the page on "Why Believe" in order to understand where you go with this decision -- there is much on this website that will answer your questions and provide you with guidance in drawing closer to Him
Above all do NOT rely on human beings to lead you closer to Him, turn to Him, get on your knees, cry out to Him, worship Him, talk to Him -- He WILL guide you IF you choose to let Him do so